Upcoming 2025 - 2028 Board Term
Target candidates are current ACMP Atlanta members, in good standing, who demonstrate a desire and commitment to help lead the next phase of ACMP Atlanta’s growth. Prospective volunteers must possess a strong interest in service along with proven experience in or applicable transferrable skills to the role to which they are applying.
All board positions are able to serve a minimum of one-year per term. However, you can recommit for an additional two years up to three years, with eligibility for title promotion for Directors. For example, Director of Marketing & Communication can be promoted to Vice President of Marketing & Communications.
The Application Process
The current board will review all applications, conduct interviews, and appoint the new board members.
Applicants are eligible to apply to multiple positions. As applicable, board roles will be appointed and confirmed upon installation onto the board.
General Application and Appointment Timeline for 2024
- June 10 - Applications are open
- September 9 - Applications close
- June 24 thru September 12 - Those interested in serving on the board must have a scheduled interview with current board members. During this time we will reach out to applicants to have these interviews scheduled.
- September 23 - Appointments are announced to the Chapter
- October - New board members are provided with hands-on training and onboarding activities in preparation for the 2025 Board Strategy Sessions in November
- Applicants must be current ACMP Atlanta members in good standing
- Board members must maintain an active, paid ACMP Global Membership for the duration of the term
Before you submit your application:
- Review ACMP Atlanta's current bylaws to provide yourself a working knowledge of operations and procedures of this board
- Look at our open board positions for the 2025-2028 term and make a selection
- Not interested in a board position or our current offerings? Consider applying to be a volunteer and we can chat about what's next.